Lawn Diseases: Cause and a Cure


Lawn disease? You may not even realize but your yard may be ill. Don’t worry, it’s not terminal. Blue Landscaping Group is here with the cure. While we may be in the middle of a rainy season, it won’t last forever. Prepare now and tackle the problem before it takes over your lawn.

You said “disease”? We did. You know those yellow patches your lawn get in those summer months? It could be more than a dry patch of land or fertilizer “burn”. The problem can be caused by drought stress which is more than a lack of water, but poor soil condition. During hot summer months (or Florida sunshine, in general) dry areas of clay and dirt are compacted and become so dense that water cannot penetrate it. This effects your lawn’s root system as it does not get enough water. The second issue that may cause these yellow spots is a fungus called Ascochyta Leaf Blight. The fungus thrives in the dry, warm period after rainfall. Florida is guilty of this climate, making your yard at risk.

Both of these problems are causes and factors of poor soil conditions. Yellow spots in your yard are just the beginning of a greater issue in your soil which can lead to continuous fungi.

As always, Blue is here to provide you with a solution. A soil test is the most effective way to determine your soil’s composition and will point you in the right direction. Repairing the area is the first step, next comes preventative actions. A core aeration should be performed at least once every few months. A core aeration perforates your lawn so air, water, and organic nutrients can go deep within your soil and grassroots.

Your lawn is the first thing that your guests sees, and beyond superficial features, fungi within your soil will affect your grass growth and may result in various plant deaths. Give your yard the cure it needs and contact Blue today to schedule an appointment.