5 Landscaping Tips to Enhance Your Curb Appeal

landscape with accentFlowers, shrubbery and trees can transform a yard or landscape, instantly increasing your property’s value and aesthetic appeal. Yet when it comes to adding personality to your property, there are more tools at your disposal than just vegetation. Adding ornamental and functional elements can create a unique theme or accent to your landscape. Below you’ll find 5 great landscaping tips on how you can use different items to enhance your curb appeal.

Create a Charming Walkway

There’s no better way to enjoy a landscape than to take a leisurely stroll through its beautiful grounds. Yet at the same time you don’t want to scar your grass with worn paths carved by frequent use. Eliminate the risk of killing your grass by creating stone, wooden, or even soil walkways to navigate individuals. If you have a log or brick home, you can echo that theme by using the same material to create your walkway.

Build Functional Outdoor Décor

Beauty doesn’t always have to be ornamental. Incorporating an elegant bench or an outdoor patio area can be a practical investment that enhances your landscape while creating an attractive oasis that brings people together.

Water Features

There’s something about the trickle of water that calms the mind and brings comfort to the soul. There are countless designs and options, from elaborate fountains to natural ponds, which you can add to give your yard a tranquil ambiance. The maintenance and investment in these types of features can vary, so be sure to do your research or ask a professional before installing one to make sure it aligns with your expectations.


A little light goes a long way in setting the mood. Vintage street lamps, fire pits, spotlights, and solar powered torches are just a few additions that can turn a landscape into a night-time escape. Use them to line your walkway or accent a focal point, such as an ornament or floral arrangement.

Lawn Ornaments

Not all additions have to serve a purpose. Sometimes a rustic wagon wheel or a stone bird bath can add the perfect touch to your landscape. Intersperse them among flowerbeds, berms, and patio areas to bring personality to your property.

Not the do-it-yourself type? Blue Landscaping and Contracting Group understands that creating the perfect landscape is an art form. We work alongside landscape architects and designers to help create eye-catching presentations for homes and businesses across southwest Florida. So if you’re looking to give your property an upgrade, or even a makeover, give us a call! We service clients both big and small all over Marco Island, Naples, Bonita Springs, and Estero, Florida.