Our 4 Favorite Patio Ideas for 2018

Our favorite patio ideas will change your summer!

We’ve spent hours compiling our top ideas for your enjoyment. This summer will be the best you’ve had.

Catch fire this summer with these lit ideas!

Bucket table

All you’ll need for this idea is a tabletop and a metal drink bucket. For a permanent table, you can gorilla glue the top to the bucket.

We recommend using the bucket as storage for pillows or tableware that needs to be protected from the weather.

Remember to choose a weather-resistant tabletop!

Cinder Block Bench

This is a cute, quick idea that’ll give you just the spot for a lovely summer read.

Cinder blocks stacked into two piles with wooden pillars poking through makes for the perfect bench. If you want a little extra support, you can place another pile in the middle of your bench.

Spray paint the blocks and wood different colors, and don’t forget to toss in a few soft pillows for the perfect bench experience.

These benches easily weather the seasons. You’ll want to choose a durable wood. If not, you can stain the wood to prevent water from seeping in.

Lantern Lighting

Many people are familiar with string lighting. String lights are perfect for patios. But they’re becoming more and more overused. Is there anything more interesting for lighting besides string lights?

Before you settle on your local store’s set of string lights, consider your options. You can easily purchase a handful of empty lanterns. Fill them with string LED lights, pine cones, and a clipping of pine tree.
A set of ten around your patio table will light up the area and give off a mystical effect.

Let’s Go to the Movies!

That’s right, it’s showtime!

Turn your backyard into a makeshift drive-in. This is a party favorite, and it’s certain to have all the neighborhood kids reeling!

The best part about this idea is that it is incredibly simple to put together and disassemble. All you need is a white sheet, a few strings, and something to tie it to. Some use trees, but if you’ve got a treeless backyard, two wooden posts would do the trick!

At the end of the night, just take the screen down.

Your Friendly Neighbors

Don’t forget that we’re here to help!

Our years of experience in landscaping–construction and maintenance–have helped so many of our clients expand their backyards into absolute dreams. We’re only a phone call away (239) 566-BLUE!