Lawn Care Musts for When You Buy a New Home

lawn care for new homes blue landscaping southwest floridaAhhh, home sweet home! There is nothing quite like the feeling of getting the keys to a new property after weeks of paperwork and negotiations. However, the work doesn’t end with the transaction! Often new homeowners have an entire checklist of things to do once the purchase is made. From repairs to renovations, these checklists often focus on the interior and exterior of the home itself. But what about your lawn? Below are a few “musts” for lawn care, especially after you’ve bought a new home!

Start by Testing Your Soil

Soil will tell you a lot about the health and unique needs for your lawn. Bad or infertile soil can lead to big problems in maintaining a quality landscape. Start by testing your soil to see how thick the topsoil is and whether it’s of good quality.

You want your soil to be rich with organic matter and nutrients. Your grass and plants feed off of it, after all! Ideally, your soil should be moist, but well-drained. Your soil shouldn’t be compact, either. If it is, consider aerating it. This will allow water, nutrients, and air to penetrate your soil and reach your grass’ roots so it can thrive.

Create a Landscaping Maintenance Plan

After you know the state of your lawn and the quality of soil supporting it, you’ll want to make sure you put a routine in place to take care of it. Good lawns don’t happen on their own! Start with addressing your landscape’s needs.

If your seeding was poorly done, or completed at the wrong time of the year, you may need to redo it. You want to aim for a rainy season, when it’s warm and moist, for the best results. Also, you’ll want to make sure the application is done after you’ve laid down the right blend of soil and fertilizer.

For new lawns or ones that are in desperate need of some TLC, expect results to take time. You’ll need to follow-up frequently on how your landscape is growing, and touch up any areas that may be patchy or growing poorly.

We highly recommend hiring a landscaping business to help you with the big jobs, as well as to maintain the pristine and aesthetic look of your yard! This can often save you both time and money, especially if you’re dealing with a new or neglected landscape.

For Southwest Florida residents, feel free to call on Blue Landscaping and Outdoor Solutions for any of your landscaping design and maintenance needs! Our number is 239-566-BLUE!