The 3 Stages of Landscaping Care

3 stages of landscaping care blue landscaping naples bonita springs estero

Installing a new landscape is an exciting outdoor renovation for your home! However, planting it and maintaining it are two different things. It’s extremely important after receiving a new landscape design to care for it both in the short-term and the long. In this month’s blog, Blue Landscaping and Contracting Group covers the 3 stages of landscaping care after a new design is installed.

Stage One: Acclimating Your New Landscape

Ever moved to a new place and felt an overwhelming sense of shock as you try to settle in to your new environment? New trees and plants aren’t so different from us in that respect. After a new landscape is installed, the new grass, flowers, shrubs, and trees will all need an extra bit of TLC in order to help them adapt to their new surroundings.

The acclimation process extends beyond the first few days or even weeks of installation. It could take months for your new landscape to settle in. The main thing to focus on during this crucial period is your water management. Don’t starve or drown your newly planted landscape!

Instead, monitor it carefully to make sure that they’re thriving. Consider it part of your after-work ritual to walk through your new landscape, checking each plant to make sure it’s properly watered and adjusting accordingly. This can be a relaxing way to unwind and gives you a chance to enjoy your new installation as well.

Stage Two: Establishment of Your Landscape

The establishment period can vary between the first year of installation to the first three years. It’s the stage that requires the highest maintenance effort. The more time you invest, the higher your odds of success. Each tree or plant will require its own time frame based on its maturity and what it is.

However, the basic rule of thumb is the younger and more herbaceous the plant is, the quicker it will become established. Trees often take the longest time to reach establishment, but what does establishment mean exactly? Simply put, it’s the point where a plant recovers its roots and returns to its normal pace of growth.

Make sure you weed often, as these invasive plants will infiltrate the new roots, killing the plants you worked so hard to nurture.

Stage Three: Landscape Stewardship

Stewardship defines the long-term effort of maintaining your landscape. It includes general landscaping maintenance such as cutting the grass, pruning plants, and fertilizing when needed.

It also includes a keen eye that spots any problems that may arise before they escalate. This includes weeding, dealing with any infestations, etc.

Leaving It to the Experts

If you don’t have the knowledge or time to maintain your own landscape, that’s okay! Simply pass the task along to the professionals. You will save time while guaranteeing a thriving landscape for years to come!

Blue Landscaping and Contracting Group and Blue Outdoor Solutions handle installations and maintenance for various homes and businesses in Southwest Florida. To inquire about our services, call 239-566-2583.