The Benefits of Rain Barrels

blueSummer showers are making their way to southwest Florida. We’re sure you’ve noticed that the winds are picking up and the storms are getting larger. This summer, why not make the most of the heavy rain and cut costs. The Blue Landscape team suggest investing in a rain barrel to collect water and use it intelligently.

There are several benefits of rain barrels, ranging from savings, sustainable watering, clean and natural water, and more. In fact, rainwater is actually better for your landscape than its city counterpart. Rain water is highly oxygenated and doesn’t contain the high level of salt, inorganics, and flouride that’s found in our tap. Use of rainwater in your garden lessens root damage and unhealthy plants, making them strong and tolerant to droughts when the time comes.

Rain barrels also helps reduce runoff pollution. When it rains, runoff picks up soil, fertilizer, oil, pesticides and other contaminants and pushes them into other areas of the landscape. When the water is caught in the barrel there’s less chance of pollution and even helps prevent flooding, mold, and damp. Rainwater also doesn’t have the salt and chemicals found in regular tap water so it’s a safer choice for washing cars and/or pets. Treat yourself and your family to clean, natural water.

Rain barrels also save you money and can reduce your water bill. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, garden and lawn watering accounts for 40 percent of residential water use during the summer. That’s a significant amount of your water use. Cut costs and stay sustainable with rain barrels to water your garden.