How Landscaping Businesses Measure a Palm Tree

how to measure the height of a palm treeEver bought a palm tree and thought, “This looks taller (or shorter) than I thought it would be!”

You may be right. Palm trees are measured in different ways, and the sizes can vary depending on the method used. It pays to understand how the company you’re purchasing from determines the size of their trees prior to purchase. To help you out, we’ve broken down the most common methods into easy to understand definitions.

Ways to Measure a Palm Tree

Below are the 4 most common ways that landscapers, nurseries, and other businesses measure the palm trees they sell:

  • Clear Trunk: This form of measurement is the standard in most nurseries. It measures the height of the tree from the top of the nut to the bottom of the trunk.
  • Clear Wood: This form of measurement is similar to “clear trunk,” but it measures from the base of the trunk to the bottom of the nut—not the top.
  • Overall Height: Overall height is just like it sounds. It measure the height of the palm tree in its entirety, from the bottom of the trunk to the tip of the highest palm frond.
  • Canopy Width: This method of measurement isn’t in height, but width. It extends from the tip of the two farthest palm fronds on the left and right.
  • Trunk Caliper: Again, a width measurement, this method is determined by the width of the palm tree’s trunk 5 inches up from the base.

Palm Tree Height: When in Doubt, Always Ask!

As you can see, the methods vary, and the difference isn’t slight. The variance between these types of measurements can impact your tree purchase not just by inches, but by feet! So before you purchase a palm tree from any company, make sure you know which form of measurement they use. This will ensure that what you purchase is exactly what you’re anticipating.

Have questions about landscaping? Blue Landscaping and Contracting Group services multiple areas in southwest Florida, including Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, and Estero. Contact us today! We’ll be happy to help meet your needs.